WillInMotion - A Figma Project


This was a piece to test my understanding of user-centric design, an exercise of identifying what contributes towards an easy to use video hosting platform, and how to best utilise space on a screen efficiently.

I began with a blank canvas, working within 1920 x 1080 frames, then moved to analysing and identifying key features and components seen on popular streaming and video services such as Twitch and Youtube. Once I had this in mind, I created a list of the key pages that I would need to plan and prepare for.

This included:

  • Home Page
  • Registration/Signup Page(s)
  • Account Page
  • Video Page (with comment section)
  • Settings Page
  • Playlist view
  • “My Uploads” page


Once I had this in mind, I then moved to font and colour pallet choices, as I wanted to make something which felt warmer. I used a ‘Watermelon’ shade of magenta and a toned down cyan/turquoise to have a contrast, while using a bone colour to add a neutral shade in between. After this was all considered, I began to create suitably sized components that would make the basis of the search/side menu bars.

Once those dimensions were considered, I next started to build the home and video pages, before returning to the list of important pages I had made before.

Overall, I am happy with the outcome, as I was able to set a new personal record regarding the time it took to create such a project from initial drafting to the final adjustments.

*All Images were sourced using Upsplash

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